//error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1);
include_once '../../secureIncludes/configDB.php' ;
// require vs include; include will not throw an error if file not found
// _once will not load a duplicate if already loaded
//var_dump($_REQUEST) ; echo ' $_REQUEST
' ;
//var_dump($_SESSION) ; echo ' $_SESSION
' ;
// ==== BEGINING OF EDITABLE MATERIAL ===================================================
$pg = 'aboutUs' ;
$pgMode = '' ; // Add, Edit, Show, Delete
$thisPage = $pg.$pgMode.'.php';
$pgName = $pg.$pgMode.'Pg' ; // name of page as logged into the db table 3da_humanVisits
// include files, in order
$logVisit = 'fn/visitor.php' ;
$formSubmitProcessing = '' ; // (optional)
$upperContent = '' ; // (optional)
$metaTags = 'pgCommon/' ;
$top_css_js = 'pgCommon/css&' ;
$navMenu = 'pgCommon/' ;
$burgerMenu = 'pgCommon/' ;
$socMediaBar = 'pgCommon/' ;
$formName = 'pgForms/'.$pg.'.inc.php' ;
$footer = 'pgCommon/' ;
$js_endOfPg = 'pgCommon/' ;
$js_formBehaviorTop = '' ; // (optional)
$js_formBehaviorBottom = '' ; // (optional)
$js_formLoadValues = '' ; //
$showForm = ($upperContent == '') ? TRUE : FALSE ; // usually HANDLED BY UPPER CONTENT FILE
// usually be turned off after successful form submit processing;
$displayDebug = FALSE ; // backend debugging
$mailDebug = FALSE ; // to mail debugging info to developer
$mail_logged_info = FALSE ; // to mail the info being logged to developer
$developing = FALSE ; // change this between development and live implementation
if (!isset($_SESSION["user_id" ])) $_SESSION["user_id" ] = 0 ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["user_name" ])) $_SESSION["user_name" ] = '' ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["isAdmin" ])) $_SESSION["isAdmin" ] = FALSE ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["visitorsSID" ])) $_SESSION["visitorsSID" ] = 0 ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["visitorsIdentifier"])) $_SESSION["visitorsIdentifier"] = '' ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["currentOrg" ])) $_SESSION["currentOrg" ] = 0 ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["currentSchoolID" ])) $_SESSION["currentSchoolID" ] = '' ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["currentSchoolName" ])) $_SESSION["currentSchoolName" ] = '' ;
if (!isset($_SESSION["currentClass" ])) $_SESSION["currentClass" ] = '' ;
$user = $_SESSION["user_id" ] ;
$userName = $_SESSION["user_name" ] ;
$isAdmin = $_SESSION["isAdmin" ] ;
$visitorSID = $_SESSION["visitorsSID" ] ;
$alias = $_SESSION["visitorsIdentifier"] ;
$org = $_SESSION["currentOrg" ] ;
$schoolID = $_SESSION["currentSchoolID" ] ;
$schoolName = $_SESSION["currentSchoolName" ] ;
$class = $_SESSION["currentClass" ] ;
$classOf = substr($class, -2) ;
$formHeadingTxt = '' ;
$headerHTML = '